6.1 MEANING OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES Accounting Policies refer to specific accounting principles and methods of applying these principles adopted by the enterprise in the preparation and presentation of financial statements. Policies are based on various accounting concepts, principles and conventions that have already been explained in Unit 2 of Chapter 1. There is no single list of accounting policies, which are applicable to all enterprises in all circumstances. Enterprises operate in diverse and complex environmental situations and so they have to adopt various policies. The choice of specific accounting policy appropriate to the specific circumstances in which the enterprise is operating, calls for considerate judgement by the management. ICAI has been trying to reduce the number of acceptable accounting policies through Guidance Notes and Accounting Standards in its combined efforts with the government, other regulatory agen...
1.7 DISTINCTION BETWEEN BOOK-KEEPING AND ACCOUNTING Some people mistake book-keeping and accounting to be synonymous terms, but in fact they are different from each other. Accounting is a broad subject. It calls for a greater understanding of records obtained from book-keeping and an ability to analyse and interpret the information provided by book-keeping records. Book-keeping is the recording phase while accounting is concerned with the summarising phase of an accounting system. Book-keeping provides necessary data for accounting and accounting starts where book-keeping ends. Relationship of Accounting and Book-keeping can be depicted in the following chart as 1.8 SUB-FIELDS OF ACCOUNTING The various sub-fields of accounting are: (i) Financial Accounting – It covers the preparation and interpretation of financial statements and communication to the users of accounts. It is historical in nature as it records transactions which had already been occurred. The final ...